Venus Freeze
Venus Freeze™ provides comfortable anti-aging treatments that tighten the skin and diminish wrinkles with no surgery or downtime. The result is a noticeably refreshed and more youthful-looking appearance.
Enjoy the beauty of more youthful-looking skin
Learn why Venus Freeze™ is right for you!
Venus Freeze radio frequency bulk tissue heating device. The unique, rapidly switching octapolar technology creates an even, uniform matrix for heating the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Are you a candidate?
Candidates for Venus Freeze are those individuals who want to avoid invasive surgery such as liposuction but still want to achieve body contouring improvements and fat reduction in focal areas of excess fat. Venus Freeze candidates also include those with skin laxity and cellulite that want to tighten loose skin and improve cellulite but avoid more invasive surgical procedures.
Venus Freeze is a non-surgical, fat reduction, skin-tightening and cellulite-improving radio frequency technology. The external radio frequency applicator is applied to the contour area of concern and moved back and forth slowly over top of a small layer of ultrasound gel. The oscillating electrical current heats up the skin and soft tissue, stimulating collagen and reducing the fat cell content in the region. The unique octapolar head, consists of 8 bipolar electrodes with the RF current rapidly oscillating 100,000 times per second, creating a unique uniform temperature on the skin and within the fat. Additionally, there is a series of 8 Pulse Magnetic Resonance poles that assists in collagen formation and new blood vessel formation.
The Octapolar Venus Freeze Radio frequency applicator for Fat Reduction, Skin Tightening and Cellulite Reduction. The rapidly oscillating RF current and pulse Magnetic resonance energy ensure a gentle but affects tissue heating and fat reduction.
The Venus Freeze radio frequency treatments are not painful and are well-tolerated and therefore do not require any local anesthesia or topical anesthesia to be performed.
Patients undergoing Venus Freeze find the non-ablative skin tightening, fat reduction body contouring and cellulite improvements painless; they are reasonably well-tolerated and therefore do not require any local anesthesia or topical anesthesia.
The Venus Freeze also has an applicator that can be used on the face to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as tighten skin and smoothen furrows. Like the Venus Freeze body fat reduction program, treatments are performed once weekly for 4-6 weeks. The skin of the face and/or neck is heated to 42-43 degrees with the Venus Freeze facial applicator and, after a series of treatments new collagen and elastin is made which tightens skin and reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Patients seeking an improvement in their lines and wrinkles can use the Venus Freeze to tighten their skin and reduce their wrinkles.
There is no specific maintenance required once you’ve finished your Venus Freeze radio frequency fat reduction program. Radio frequency fat contouring, using devices that permanently kill the fat cell do not require maintenance, as the fat cell has already undergone a death cycle. However, the skin tightening improvement, with 25% increase in dermal thickness and the inelasticity improvement does require maintenance. As we age, the skin gets lax and loses its elasticity. The improvements achieved with cellulite reduction and skin tightening does require a single maintenance treatment once every three to four months to maintain the improved appearance and texture of the skin that has been achieved.
There is no recovery following Venus Freeze fat reduction and other radio frequency treatment devices. There may be some very mild swelling and redness, or erythema, but patients can return to activities of daily living immediately, including high-impact aerobic activity.
Contraindications for Venus Freeze and non-ablative radio frequency bulk heating devices include pregnancy and any inflammatory, ineffective or cancerous lesions in the area of treatment.
There is no recovery following Venus Freeze fat reduction and other radio frequency treatment devices. There may be some very mild swelling and redness, or erythema, but patients can return to activities of daily living immediately, including high-impact aerobic activity.
Contraindications for Venus Freeze and non-ablative radio frequency bulk heating devices include pregnancy and any inflammatory, ineffective or cancerous lesions in the area of treatment.
Candidates for Venus Freeze are those individuals who want to avoid invasive surgery such as liposuction but still want to achieve body contouring.
Using magnetic pulses, the Venus Freeze creates increased blood flow and cellular nourishment to slow down the aging process while using Multipolar RF to stimulate re-growth of damaged collagen.
Venus Freeze’s dense energy matrix penetrates into multiple layers of the skin, ensuring improved clinical efficacy and noticeably visible results.
Via two specially designed ergonomic applicators which were tailored for accurate coverage of all body parts, many treatments are applicable.
Effective – Results visible after the first treatment. Permanent results in as little as two treatments.
Absolutely no downtime at all. Patient can go right back to work and play right after a treatment.
Can be used by all skin types and all body parts including the face, arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and neck.
Venus Freeze fits easily into a busy lifestyle because it requires a minimal amount of time per treatment (20-30 minutes), and only requires a treatment per week (for 6-10 weeks).
Completely pain-free and safe to both the operator and the patient.
100% safe. No horror stories, no burns, no bruises, etc.
Treatments are pleasant, comfortable and relaxing.
Trusted by top plastic surgeons and dermatologists worldwide.
Magnets have been used for years in the health industry, but Venus Freeze is the FIRST and ONLY FDA approved comprehensive non-invasive and pain-free solution for body contouring, cellulite reduction, wrinkle reduction and skin tightening for the face, neck and body. It is a risk-free treatment suitable for male and females of all skin types that does not harm the skin and provides consistent results! Venus Freeze stands out from other non-surgical aesthetic treatments because it’s completely safe and pain-free, plus there is ZERO downtime after the treatment. Even better: Venus Freeze treatments are fast and can be completed during the lunch hour or just before a date night!
In addition to your treatment, all procedures include free of charge consultation (optional) where our specialist will listen to your skin concerns and goals and formulate a bespoke skincare plan to achieve your desired results.